I also have two personal pieces I'm working on.
A pinup of Michonne from my favorite comic series right now, The Walking Dead. Weird trying to marry something so dark and serious with my chipper and cartoony style. Art rule I have: if you have a katana and are wearing sneakers, they will always be Onitsuka Tigers.

Also a 'Nancy from Sin City'-esque topless cowgirl in chaps. I might do 2 colorways on this, one that's Nancy-looking with blonde hair and black chaps and one that's more like Sluefoot Sue from the old Disney Pecos Bill cartoon. This one is actually taking a bit longer than expected because I'm trying to do the fringe super smooth in Illustrator with vector points. Which is kind of like creating art with math, not very fun but it makes it look very precise.

I think I posted it before, but in case I didn't or you missed it, I'm closing down shop for commissions until next year to focus on personal projects and a potentially huge project in 2011 that I hope to get off the ground over the holiday season. Unless I have already talked to you or you already gave me money, I am not taking fresh commissions until next year.
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