So for one night only on Thursday July 18th from 9pm to 1am at Niagara Bar in the Lower East Side was Girls Drawin' Girls's first east coast group art show. Presented by the Antagonist Art Movement and curated by yours truly. And yes, this was my first time curating a group art show in New York. Definitely a learning experience.

The show featured work by GDG members, including myself, Maria Danalakis, Erica Hesse, Kaitlin Sullivan, Alice Meichi Li, Anne Walker, Joanna Barnum and Nicole Filiatrault. There was also a merchandise table that included Girls Drawin' Girls products like tshirts and art books as well as a selection of various Paigey products like jewelry, prints and magnets.

To see more pics from the show, check out Girls Drawin Girls's facebook album!
Join up with their Facebook fan page for up-to-the-minute news!
Over all the show was a success. It was part of Antagonist Art Movement's rotating Thursday night art show space at Niagara Bar, and the show was to be put up and come down all in the span of that single night. Setup was a challenge. I also worked that day, in Midtown Manhattan (where Times Square is) and everything from the art show was split between my apartment in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and my office. So after an aggravating subway ride in the morning with my granny cart and a super nice and helpful taxi driver that evening after work, I along with help from the Antagonist liaisons put the show up, then after a verrrrrry looooong day the evening began and I got my second wind after I put my party dress on and started seeing friends come in. To which I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to all that came out so late on a 'school night'. I and the other members of Girls Drawin' Girls really appreciate the support, help and purchases that made it such a success! There was a definite drop-off of attendance after midnight, so we packed up a bit earlier than originally planned and got everything in the rented zipcar my boyfriend had the awesome insight to get ahold of for the ride home.

I'll take part and help organize another Girls Drawin Girls show in the future, but I'd really like to check out some other galleries where I can set up one day, have an opening the next and break it down like a week to a month afterwards. As fun as the Niagara show was, to do all of that in the span of 6 hours is exhausting especially with the added stress of handling other peoples artwork. If I do another show at Niagara, which I would like to do in the future, it'll definitely be a solo show. Or shared with like, 1 friend who is responsible for bringing their own work.
ALSO!!! I have some really awesome news!! Girls Drawin' Girls has a table at New York Comic Con!!! Which means there will be an actual table selling my merch at NYCC that you can go to instead of looking for me and my best friend Fenny as sparkly cigarette girls. Worry not though, because we'll still be making rounds around the Javits Center in our cigarette girl costumes, which are shaping up to be AMAAAZING. I commissioned a friend who's a burlesque performer to make us showgirl headdresses and featherbutts! And I'm already eyeing trims and rhinestones for our costume bodies. After all that drama about my Artist Alley table I'm sooooo glad to see things work out! We will however be acting more as crowd control, steering folks over to the GDG table instead of selling stuff off the trays. So YAY!!!!
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