While at MoCCA Fest last month I had the pleasure of meeting Holly Wilensky, aka
The Dress Recycler who is a fashion blogger for The Queens Ledger up here in NYC, as well as The Brooklyn Star, Queens Examiner, LIC/Astoria Journal, Forest Hills Times and Greenpoint Gazette! She really dug my crazy 'convention drag' and my pinup art work so we got together on the phone after the dust of MoCCA Fest had settled and I told her what I was all about for the Local Designer Spotlight!
You can see the article in these following papers:
The Queens LedgerThe Brooklyn Downtown StarQueens ExaminerGreenpoint GazetteLong Island City/Astoria JournalForest Hills Times
"Paigey embodies fun, flirtatious and fabulous; a true live character who brings her designs to the public on a personal level, where people can really relate to what she is illustrating. “The lines tend to blur between my art and myself,” she said."
aw, yay!!!! congrats!!! : D you should def pimp this out on the GDG fb page and/or blog... what great PR!