The past few months have been somewhat tumultuous. 2011 is definitely gonna be a crazy hectic year already and for some reason I'm just *compelled* to throw in more shit to do and more things to pine over. Things like getting married, getting ready for conventions, day job disgruntlements, wanting to do more flea markets, attempts at weight loss, etc., etc. It all adds up. Oye.
So to help me deal with all this craziness, I have been CRAFTING and DRAWING like a BEAST. Idle hands are the devil's playground and all. Plus I really shine when I'M STRESSED AS ALL HELL. @__@
So what have I been doing?
As a reaction to something particularly fucked up that happened at my day job last week, I drew this little doodle of myself as Spartacus from the season finale of Spartacus: Blood and Sand (which is an awesome show that I highly recommend, especially if you like nudity, bloody battles and colorful language). Protip: Never piss of a cartoonist. Or do, if you want to see them draw crazy pictures as they deal with their internalized rage.
I'm also working on a super-deformed pic of Phil and I for our upcoming wedding celebrations that I plan on printing out as cupcake toppers and making into Shrinky Dink magnets for wedding guest favors.
I finally finished Lady Blacula, who along with Varla (the blonde vampire pinup I did last month) round out my first edition of Coffin Girls that I'm decoupaging on small craft coffins and selling as stash boxes.
They'll be $40 each. Look for them at my convention tables and on my etsy page! My original source no longer carries the craft coffins I was using, so these might be it for awhile, at least until Halloween when I'm hoping there will be more readily available.
Another sketch I was playing around with. I had an idea for a series of pics that are pinup girls with a tattoo flash vibe. Another one of those projects that I'm working on when I have a second.Also with MoCCA coming up next weekend I'm cranking out con merch as fast as I can.
Lots of glass jewelry, including rings and necklaces; as well as lipstick cases.
Packs of temporary tattoos! 6 designs- $10 each!
Bracelets! Prolly won't have any in time for MoCCA, but def will have some in the future!
Bottlecap necklaces! Only $5 each!
i love the Spartacus you!!