This past weekend was MoCCA Fest 2011- the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art's annual fundraiser and my first con of the year. I shared a table with Jared Fletcher, my longtime pal from Kubert School! (He's got a crassly hilarious webcomic called Stranger Fictions that you should check out.) I actually wasn't going to do MoCCA this year until Jared asked if I'd wanna split a table this past fall. I'm actually really glad I did now, it was a good time and I got to hang out with friends I don't see as often and meet some supercool peeps. I even got to talk to some folks from Society of Illustrators who were interested in having my products in their gift shop! And it's there and you can purchase exclusive Paigey products there now! Icluding my lipstick cases with Bitchcraft Apparel! Society is supercool- they've had exhibitions of original pieces from JC Leyendecker and Robert Crumb, who are 2 of my favorite illustrators ever!

Photo by BAS Photography

So yeah, still not sure if I'll do MoCCA again next year or not. As far as indy-style shows go it's pretty good. And it's local. But the tables are super expensive to non-MoCCA members. It was cool to test out all my new products on an audience as well. The new glass jewelry is doing well and the stash tins are def a hit. I also am going to get my Etsy store up and running after so many people got on my back about it. I have a tabletop photo studio on order and a weekend of freedom coming up to take product shots. So keep an eye on my Etsy store for a big update. ^_^