Like, wow. Like, I was so, like, nervous. OMG! Ha ha, yeah, I say 'like' entirely too much. My mom and grandma get on my case about it all the time. I'm much more eloquent typing than speaking.

But yeah, I'm actually just about wrapped filming on another video project with my pal Tameeka, who shoots and edits video. She came over the last 2 weekends to shoot me drawing her portrait and to interview me for a little mini-documentary on yours truly. Or as my boyfriend Phil has dubbed it: 'Ego Stroke: The Movie'. I don't know what he's talking about, these sort of things don't give me a swollen head or anything. ;D Heh....
But yeah, that'll be coming together soon. SUPER excited. You can check out Tameeka's other video projects on her bloggity right here.
I also put together the first of what I hope are many, many more *burlesque flyers*. The super-awesome, sword-swallowing, fire-breathing Lady Aye has put together a show called "Cramp-Us", that mixes The Cramps, Krampus and burlesque into one crazy, spanky, paganistic fest of sexiness and boobies and insanity. I actually went to the first installment of this show back in December and it was awesome, and now they're doing a 'sequel' show as part of Coney Island's Christmas in July.

I'm really, REALLY hoping to do more flyers for burlesque shows in the future. Much like roller derby, burlesque is a subculture I'd love to get into, but with how demanding my schedule already is producing art, and how if I'm gonna do something I'm gonna completely immerse myself in it and do it 200%, there isn't enough of me or time in the day to properly do either proper, so I'll try and be a part of the community in my own *special* way, by doing artwork and posters and flyers. I'd much rather my contribution to such a culture be something that I'll do well, like drawing, then something I'd probably do terribly, like dancing or competing. ;P Hell, I'm trying to get into something as simple as hula hooping and I barely have the time to devote to that.