Hey everybody!! Laika Phenomenon is up for voting at PatchTogether.com!
Click the pic to get taken to her voting page!

As far as I know there's no other derby toys/action figures/figurines on the market, especially one not as authentic- I tried putting as much detail as I can into the figure, from her mouthguard to her padding to the bloody band-aids and bruises. For those of you just joining us, this is actually my second figure with PatchTogether, my first-
Miss Mary Jane, is due to be shipped at the end of the month. She's currently out of stock, but on her page you can vote to have her restocked. You can also see the quality of work the sculptors do and and how good of a job they've done with interpreting a 2D illustration into a 3D figurine. I still need votes to get it made, and then once it gets enough votes it'll be available for a discounted pre-order sight unseen while they sculpt it. Once it hits 20 or so pre-orders then they start sculpting and offer it at full price and will work with me on getting it to look perfect. I know with Miss Mary Jane it took about 6 revisions so they are very serious about doing the artwork justice. Then it will be on sale for about a month or two and then the sales will be closed and it will go into full production and ship out to customers. I'm hoping with the final product Laika will be about 8.5" tall with some sort of base.
I'll be sure to let you know when it goes up for sale as an actual toy. It hasn't been up a full 24 hours yet and is already at a third of the votes it needs. Every vote helps though! If Laika does especially well I might have to make up some teammates for her. ;D