Baltimore Comic Con: Oct 10-11
King Con in Brooklyn: Nov 7-8
SUPER-excited about both. Haven't worked an Artist Alley table since February at New York Comic Con, though I did do a 6-hour stint at New York Anime Fest this past Saturday at the Girls Drawin Girls table, which was fun and good practice, but anime cons are too high-maintenance and draining for me to deal with on the regular. I think the last pure anime con I went to was Katsucon 2002(?), and that was as a cosplaying fan, and yeah, do not have the patience for hyper-active weeaboos anymore in my old age. Give me the crotchety old alcoholic curmudgeons of a comic book convention anyday. Not to say I didn't meet some swell people this weekend, there were some nuggets of sweet sanity in an otherwise big-eyed, cat-eared, dog-collared maelstrom of Hamtaro dance parties and impromptu fake sword fights.

Oooh-wee, do I LOVE my 5-minute weave!! ;)
Oh! But in other BIG NEWS- I got the preliminary sculpt pics of my Miss Mary Jane resin figure that I'm getting made through!!! They look AWESOME!!! They asked me if there were any modifications that needed to be made, which I pointed out to them, so we're waiting to see how it goes. But because you guys are so very dear to my heart, I'm gonna share a sneaky-peeky with you. ~__^

The buddy hair texture and baggy/hood turned out PERFECT! They even got all the little leaves in there! I still can't believe she's gonna be real, it's so crazy that I'm gonna have a toy based on my own work. Shoot, after Christmas I'm gonna definitely submit another design for sure! But yeah that's about it. I'm taking the weekend off for New York Burlesque Festival, I'll be sure to post a link to pictures, as I'm sure it will be QUITE THE TIME.
And I leave you with the song that inspired the original artwork for Miss Mary Jane herself: